21st Annual Pumpkin Smash!

Saturday, November 2nd from 12-4PM

Bring your jack o’lantern to smash! Eat baked potatoes and sweet potatoes! Make seed bombs! Listen to music! Have fun!

Free for the whole family!

Ask a Master Gardener – October 26th 2:00-4:00

Have questions about your vegetable plants this past growing season?

Not sure what’s going on with your houseplant?

Ask our Master Gardeners for advice and insights to your planting questions! 

Compost Closed due to Extreme Heat – Sunday, July 21st

Prospect Heights Community Farm Compost is not accepting new contributions until Sunday, July 28th because it has been too hot for the volunteers to empty the regular bins.  Please hold onto your food scraps and either bring them to the 7th Avenue Q station on Wednesday morning or to the Farmer’s Market on Grand Army Plaza on Saturday.  Sorry for the inconvenience and stay cool!

Free Compost Workshop Sunday June 9th 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Come to this free workshop to learn the basics of compost and composting! On Sunday, June 9th 1:00-2:00 pm, Master Composter Judy Sackoff will introduce you to the world of compost and answer these questions:
  • What exactly is compost?
  • How do you make compost?
  • Why should I compost?
You’ll also have an opportunity to closely examine compost produced by Prospect Heights Community Farm’s own compost team and get a quick tour of the site.
There’s no registration required — just show up!
Where: Prospect Heights Community Farm, 252-256 St Marks Ave, Brooklyn, NY
When: Sunday, June 9th, 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Annual Plant Sale – 4/27, 4/28, 5/4, 5/5, 5/11, 5/12

Prospect Heights Community Farm’s annual plant sale starts on Saturday the 27th of April and runs Saturdays and Sundays through the 12th of May. We’ll be open from 10am to 6pm each day.

For additional variety and traceability, this year we have grown some of our own vegetables and herbs including heirloom tomatoes, skirret, hops and thyme. In addition, we’ll also have our typical mix of of vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers and herbs like basil, lavender, parsley and rosemary. We’ll also have annual flowers like Cosmos, Marigold, Zonal Pelargoniums and Snapdragon as well as a selection of more unique perennials such as Aquilegia (Columbine), Campanula, Baptisia australis, and Iris.

Where: 252-256 Saint Marks Ave., Brooklyn, NY.


  • Saturday the 27th of April 10am-6pm
  • Sunday the 28th of May 10am-6pm
  • Saturday the 4th of May 10am-6pm
  • Sunday the 5th of May 10am-6pm
  • Saturday the 11th of May 10am-6pm
  • Sunday the 12th of May 10am-6pm


Kids’ Corner!

Coming Soon to Our Website!  Kid‘s Corner, a section that will have content to introduce plants and garden themes to children. Click below for the first installment:

Can you Find These Plants?

Keep an eye out for new seasonal info!