Adopted May 15, 2021

The garden thrives because of its members!  It is each member’s personal responsibility to ensure they understand and fulfill their Responsibilities of Membership as outlined in Article II of the PHCF Bylaws.  Completing the required number of Service Hours is one such responsibility.  As stated in Article II, Section 4, Part B “Service Hours are defined as keeping the garden open during scheduled open hours or working on a service project led by a project manager or coordinator.  At least 60% of a member’s Service Hours requirement must be filled by open hours service, specifically. Participation in regularly scheduled work days that happen to coincide with open hours does not fulfill this percentage requirement.”  Please see the guidelines for fulfilling this requirement below.

The Service Coordinator transcribes information from and the “Submit Work Hours” form into a Google Spreadsheet, which tabulates required hours, hours completed, and remaining hours.  This spreadsheet is available on the website

Open Hours

  • The schedule of Open Hours (i.e. the days and times the garden is open to the public) is determined by the membership.  The schedule can be changed by a membership vote. Any changes should be reported to Green Thumb.
  • Open Hours may only be completed from April 1st to October 31st only.  The current schedule of open hours must be listed on the garden website and on the outside fence.  
  • No more than two people may sign up for a single Open Hours shift.  
  • Keeping the garden open during unscheduled hours does not count as Open or Work Hours.
  • Compost Hours during the growing season count as Open Hours.  Those interested should email the compost team at
  • Members may fulfil the Service Hours Requirement by completing only Open Hours.  
  • Record Open Hours by:
    • Signing up on, the Service Hours Co-Coordinators will share the link regularly each season, you may also bookmark it.
    • If you are at the garden when someone who has signed up is not present, please email their name to  
  • What to do if you have to leave or miss your shift:
    • If there is bad weather and you do not feel safe in the garden, please do not stay – cancel your shift on or email to cancel it for you
    • If you will be late or can’t fill your Open Hours shift, please cancel your shift on or email to cancel it for you AND/OR email the list serve to see if someone can swap
    • If you miss your Open Hours shift, cancel your shift on or email to cancel it for you

Work Hours

  • Work Hours are any group or project hours that occur outside of scheduled Open Hours.  This may include Group Gardening Days, Winter Compost Hours, Special Projects, or Garden Events, such as the Spring Plant Sale.
  • For those interested in Winter Compost Hours, email the compost team at  
  • Group Garden Days occur throughout the garden year and count toward Work Hours.  No pre-sign up needed unless requested by the project leaders.
  • Members record completed Work Hours by submitting a “Submit Work Hours” form
  • Notices about Special Projects or Events are usually sent via email. Work Hours may also be allocated to individuals who perform tasks on behalf of the garden, such as retrieving the annual hydrant permit.  


Document Revision History
05/15/2021 – Edited to reflect new processes
2/23/2019 – Ratified at the Annual Meeting.